
Saturday, September 13, 2014

Pennys Challenge191 winners and top 3

Sorry for the delay in announcing winners and top 3 for challenge 191 

I was in Italy on holiday with no internet access so please accept my apologies 

Here is the info you have all been patiently waiting for 

Congrats  3. Bunny's Cards: Bunny's Aug #11  you have won 7 digi images of your choice from 

Congrats  59. Lillian's Leisure: Smile bouquet  you have won 3 digi stamps from

 Please can you both email me (Julie) with the word winner and the name of your sponsor in the subject line so I can get your details off to our sponsors and the winners badge to you

 and now for the top 3 as chosen by DT member Kim

Congrats to you all, please take your Top 3 badge from our side bar and add it to your blogs


  1. Congratulations to all the winners! Thanks for choosing my card for the Top 3.

  2. Hooray! That was worth waiting for. Thank you. Congrats to all.

  3. Congrats to all the winners and thank you so much to Kim for choosing my card in her Top 3, XOX Lucy
