Wednesday, November 11, 2009

It's a Sketch!!!

I am running so late this morning. My computer broke down so I'm on my husband's laptop and none of my files are on here! lol So I apologize.

Thank you to every single one of you who participated in last week's challenge. I saw alot of new blogs over this last week. Very exciting.

Anyway, this week is a sketch. It does not matter what your project is, as long as this sketch is the basis for it.

This week we are playing for F-U-N! Winner will be chosen next Wednesday morning using They will get their project featured here with a link back :) You can view past featured projects by clicking "Featured" at the top of the page.

Here is some inspiration from the design team, please visit their blogs and leave some nice comments, and I'm sure they will do the same for you!


Please remember to use Mr. Linky and when adding a link, add the link to your project, not the link to your entire blog. Please click here if you've forgotten the rules. You have until 6am next Wednesday, November 18 to submit an entry! If you're using a photo gallery instead of a blog please use this weeks tag: "PC15", blog users can just use the tag "Penny's Challenges #15"

Thanks for playing and don't forget... HAVE FUN!!!!!


  1. Wonderful cards this week DT! Love this sketch!

    Tammy x

  2. These are wonderful cards from the DT!!
    Jodi =)

  3. Great sketch - sorry I've left it to the last minute to get mine done. Love all the DT inspiration too.

    Anne xx
