Sorry for the lateness in announcing the winners and Top 3 for challenge 249
I am now able to announce our lucky winners and top 3
Congrats 15. Kelly's Cards: back again You have won 3 digi images of your choice from
Sparkle n Sprinkle

Sparkle n Sprinkle

Congrats 7. Karon H You have won a $5 voucher from
Can both winners please email me (Julie) with the words Pennys challenge 249 winner and the name of your sponsor in the subject line so I can get your details off to our kind sponsors and our winners badge out to you
And now for our top 3 as chosen by Helen
Congrats! Please take our Top 3 badge from our side bar and proudly display on your blogs
Thank you so much for choosing my card among your top 3! I'm very honored and will happily share the badge on my blog! :)